About 'Thresholds'
The works in this series reflect the thresholds of significant transitions in identity taken from within the artist’s life, from historical events or from within the definition of matter. Often depicted through 'on the cusp' objects such as doors or windows, they consider the larval states in which identitities overlap and shifts into another.
It is not possible to see or precisely empirically measure when such transitions have occurred - they are mysterious and directly undetectable which endows them with a magical or spiritual quality. We have to imply their occurrence through consequences, by-products or traces left behind - a shaft of light, reflection of sunlight or impression in a wall.
Removing the subject from our attention liberates and unfolds the background often concealed and yet very much present. For a moment, the effect is freed from its cause, and the object becomes the subject - a more independent agent. Some works draw attention to this ambiguity, which superimposes two dimensions; others emphasize their imprecision and subjectivity.
Ces œuvres explorent les moments de transformation, ces instants fugaces où l'identité bascule. Utilisant des symboles comme les portes ou les fenêtres, l'artiste capture ces états transitoires où une forme devient une autre. Ces mutations sont imperceptibles, presque métaphysiques. On ne peut les saisir que par leurs traces : un rayon de lumière, un reflet, une légère empreinte. Elles échappent à toute mesure rationnelle, relevant plus de l'intuition que de l'observation. En déplaçant le regard du sujet principal vers son environnement, l'artiste révèle des dimensions cachées. L'arrière-plan devient soudain protagoniste, l'objet se libère de sa fonction première. Certaines œuvres jouent sur cette ambiguïté, brouillant les frontières entre ce qui est et ce qui devient.