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Publications & Talks

What's the matter with
The Response from an Artist
What's the matter with time?
In anderen Zeiten / In Other Times
Changing Discourses of Time across Human History
Is populism made of plastic?
Discussion basis given for: Democracy and populism Equality, truth and disagreement in the Covid era Center for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics University of Brighton (UK)
Art vs. Sciences
Why we need the metaphor of art to fill in the blanks that science can't.
Visibles - Invisibles
By Claire Kueny, art critic
Published in exhibition catalogue for Leftover from the Void
Abstract for talk - The aesthetics of decomposition-
St Annes college, Oxford University (february 2020)
Interview with Claire Decomps
Senior curator and analyst for Jewish culture and heritage in France
About 'Leftover from the void'
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