Decomposition as shifts from material to abstract identities in physical and sociopolitical matter
This discussion invites us to reconsider decomposition as an inevitable process between material and abstract states and argues that we can understand the socio-political landscape as being composed of matter in the same way as physical and natural objects. Physical matter can be assigned an abstract and material identity based on its relationship to movement and space. Matter confined or slowed in space is given a more material identity in contrast to matter which moves or transcends space more freely manifesting a greater abstract identity. To this end, decadence is characterized by the shift from a familiar, tangible, and empirical material state to an abstract identity that has a more unpredictable, uncertain, and multifaceted nature. The decomposition process represents an overlap between these two states, one where it is difficult or impossible to accurately detect or directly access the start or end time. Identification of degradation is therefore only possible by deduction of by-products, consequences and hindsight. The socio-political sphere can also be understood as consisting of matter with material and abstract identities subject to similar behaviors and traits. Over the past century, seismic shifts in identity from material to abstract states have occurred at an artificially dizzying speed – physical processes and labor have been replaced by digitalization and robotization; from traditional and religious values to liberal and secular; from protectionism to globalization, etc. Can we understand this socio-political change as that of decadence as we do in terms of physical matter? What are the impacts when decomposition is artificially accelerated instead of letting the process happen organically?